Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Increase the number of telnet sessions allowed in Linux

Increase the number of telnet sessions allowed

Under Linux (Red Hat / CentOS Linux) xinetd is used to control the telnet server.  The eXtended InterNET Daemon, is an open-source daemon which runs on on many Unix systems and manages Internet-based connectivity.  It offers a more secure extension to or version of inetd, the Internet daemon.
xinetd features access control mechanisms, extensive logging capabilities, and the ability to make services available based on time. It can place limits on the number of servers that the system can start, and has deployable defence mechanisms to protect against port scanners, among other things.
You need to edit /etc/xinetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.conf/telnet file and set instances = unlimited:# vi /etc/xinetd.confEdit instances line so that it should read as follows:instances = unlimitedORinstances = 300Restart the xinetd service:# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

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