Monday, April 29, 2019

Restore D3 VME for Windows

These steps outline the process of restoring your VME.  Normally we store almost nothing in the VME, as it should be.  ALL your data resides in the FSI. So restoring is fairly painless.

The steps are:
  1. Stop your D3 service (either in the SERVICES window, or using the SHUTDOWN command inside a pick window.
  2. Copy the following file, and overlay into the directory shown:

    C:\program files\d3\i386\win32\disk0.d3v
    to     c:\program files\d3\d3virtual

    Change the "C:" with the drive letter where you have D3 installed.

    If you get an error, "can not copy to file in use" type message, D3 is not stopped yet.  Make sure step 1 is done above, and wait until it is finished.

    You may have made a copy of your disk0.d3v file in the d3virtual directory.  It is probably a good idea, that once your VME is up and running, that you copy the disk0.d3v file over to disk0.sav (same directory).  When copying the file, do not use the one in i386, use your save copy.  This will save you from copying all of the files from dm.old shown below.

    *D3NT VERSION 7.4.X OR GREATERC:\program files\d3\d3programs\disk0.exe
    to     c:\program files\d3\d3virtual

    Change the "C:" with the drive letter where you have D3 installed.
  3. Open a DOS window (either start-programs-DOS, or start-run and type:

     "cmd".  A window will open.  Change to your d3 directory.

    cd \program files\d3\d3programs

    At the ">" prompt, type D3VME /RESTORE

    When prompted, answer:
        ok to proceed        Y
        restore from         (should be option 1), but the file that ends
                                                with .D3P
        disable file reallocation     <enter>
        restore from volume 1         <enter>

    You should end up with a Pick Logon prompt. Enter DM user and DM account. Check your user count with MAXUSERS. You should see the number of ports that you normally have.  Type "WHICH CDA", to see your version. It should also be correct.
  4. Type SHUTDOWN in your DOS window and allow D3 to shutdown properly.  The window should say "disconnected from host" or it may close automatically.  If it does not close, wait for the message and then close the window.
  5. Go to SERVICES on the console and highlight the D3 virtual machine, click on START. D3 should start in about a minute.
  6. Open a D3 window with an emulator, and log into the DM account.
  7. You will need to restore the DM account for the prior night's tape as DM_OLD.  Do your set-device (all of your tapes should be there). Attach to your tape drive and do:
       from   DM

    This will be the first account on your tape, and should take only a couple of minutes to restore.
  8.  At this point, you will have all of your users items still in the file. You can confirm with a "Sort USERS" command from TCL.
  9. The following items should be copies from DM_OLD into your current DM account. From you DM account type,

          to  (PIBS

          to  (MD

           to (BP

         type    compile bp file-save
  10. Type USER-COLDSTART, this will start your printers and your night time process.
  11. You should be able to let your users back on the machine now, and all should be OK.